Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sipping Nectar

My photographer friend gave the ok once again to use his photo as painting reference. I'm grateful for his gorgeous images and generous sharing!  I like the full range of colors in this one. And here's some fun music and an amusing video.
Oil on panel, 6" x 6", $100 + $10 domestic shipping
or contact


Art Maine said...

The Art of Nectar
Two social butterflies
alighted on blue and indigo
and violet to sip
a feast through uncoiled
proboscises while a
photographer snapped and
then a painter brushed by
with her oil nectar
in a feast of fine art.

It's lovely to see two European Skipper Butterflies (Thymelicus lineola) feeding on Cow Vetch (Vicia cracca) in such painterly form, nice painting.

Bruce Bingham said...

Delicate and enchanting:)

suzanneberry said...

I opened the home page of DP and this is singing so loudly it caught my eye immediately!! one of your very best, a perfect combination of color and composition!!! Bravo!